My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I liked this book....but I didn't. Cassie annoyed me to no end. One minute she's thinkging she's hot shit, the next she has no self-esteem. She has all these trust issues and daddy issues but we never learn why. Because her dad said he was going to get a band to play her prom and didn't and that embarassed her? If my dad told me that, I'd laugh at him. We never learned what her deal with her parents was that caused her to havs "issues". She also seemed to care to much about what other people thought. I hated the whole mugging scene. It served no purpose to the plot of the story at all and i have no idea why it was there. I hated the whole cheating/pregnancy thing. It seemed to come out of, pardon the pun, left field. Jack and Cassie's relationship was going great, even with the long distance and suddenly, after calling her, he gets so drunk he cheats? Sorry, I don't buy it. It also reminded me too much of An Officer and a Gentleman. And can we please talk about the nickname "Kitten". There is only one Kitten in my literary world, and that is Katy and only Daemon can call her that. There were other things too that made me think of my favorite alien series (Cassie not knowing whether she wanted to punch Jack's face or kiss it sounded really familiar). I hated that Cassie turned into a typical whiney girl after she and Jack started dating. She lost all of her snark that had me almost liking her in the beginning of the book. And why didn't Melissa and Dean hook up? Or even date anyone for that matter? The best friend and brother should have gotten a little bit of action.
Okay, so what did I like about this book, you ask? Two words Jack effingCarter. I loved his cockiness. I loved that he was an asshole. I loved that he has black hair. I loved that he is a baseball player. I loved how he changed with Cassie, yet didn't, whereas Cassie seemed to become a completely different person when they started dating. But Jack, oh no. Jack was true to form and still an asshole to other girls. I liked the love story for the most part, I just could have done without a lot of the silly drama that really didn't need to be there. The end (and Jack) really saved this book for me. Now, I want to go find my own baseball player to date.
And of course, now, I have to read it. Because I love baseball. And I wanna know Jack.